Ultra Thick Healthy Vegan Fruity Chocolate Pudding - Sugar Free, Oil Free, Gluten Free! ( SOS Free)

my blender is awful, new one coming soon, it would be much smoother with a better blender!

This is healthy, but it is indulgent, at 465 calories you might wanna make this a weekend treat!

1/4 large avo
1 banana
splash of plant milk
1t vanilla essence
2t cacao
2t cocoa
1t macca
1tb peanut butter (for richness and creaminess)
1t psyllium husk powder (for that "gluggy" snack pack consistency)
3-5 drops of stevia 

Add ingredients to blender
blend till smooth
husk powder takes a while to thicken so chill 10 minutes at least, or over night to eat cold 
serve + enjoy :) 
