Nutritarian -Joel Fuhrman M.D

I have been a long time follower of Dr Michael Greger M.D.- and I still am, but since I have happened upon Joel Fuhrman- and I'm surprised it has taken me this long.

Unlike McDougall who pushes a high starch diet, Fuhrman focuses on eating high nutrient foods- some what like the "cronies" (who eat LOW calorie and HIGH nutrient, Fuhrman just focuses on HIGH nutrient and eating when hungry.)

I'm pretty excited that I found someone who says that grains don't need to be a focus. My appreciation for nutrient rich greens are celebrated as well as legumes. A balance of raw and cooked.
Not to mention his recommendations of G-BOMBS:


He recommends a HUGE salad every day.
500g Cooked, 500g raw veggies,
4 fruits,
and 1 cup of beans...daily.

He recommends supplements of sufficient DHA-EPA, D3, K2 (not in vegan foods), iodine (low in plant foods) and zinc, (poorly absorbed from plants).

You will see more recipes soon!
