Mediterranean Chutney - Sugar free!

1kg of tomatoes give or take 100g.
1 onion
2 cloves garlic
1 t molasses
2 drops stevia
1 shake cinnamon
1/2c scant double strength apple cider
splash balsamic vinegar
Good splash of red wine
4 bay leaves
black pepper ot taste
2 shakes celery salt
1/2c sultanas
1 small apple (or half a medium apple) chopped or grated

1- Remove skins optional- make an x at the bottom and boil for 1 minute. Put them in an ice bath and lift them out to peel the skin off.
2- Chop to desired chunkiness (knowing they will smoosh down a bit more) and combine all other ingredients together in the pot- nice nad easy!
3- Bring to the boil then simmer for 1-2 hours until desired thickness is reached. You can add more water if you want to cook the tomatoes for longer to bring out more flavour, or cover the pot. Stir every 10 minutes or so to prevent sorching
4- Once the correct thickness is reached pour into a sterilized jar and seal. Makes a teeny bit over 1 575g jar of chutney. (this leaves you with a few tablespoons to try out before you jar it. 
If you do not use sterilised jars be sure to eat within 5 days or so.
