Dr Greger's Daily Dozen - Web Version

I know sometimes ya just want to tick as you do without having an app open, but a tab. This doesn't record anything but its a no frills checklist.

Dr Gregers Daily Dozen:
Beverages: (60oz)

Beans: (1/2c cooked, 1/4c hummus)

Fruits: (1 medium fruit, 1/4c dried)

Grains: (1/2c cooked, 1 slice of bread)

Greens: (1c raw, 1/2c cooked)

Berries: (1/2c fresh, 1/4c dried)

Vegetables: (1/2c non leafy, mushrooms if doing GBOMBS)

Cruciferous: (1/2c chopped)

Flaxseed: (1 TB ground)

Spices: (1/4t turmeric)

Nuts: (1/4c, 1 TB nut butter)

Exersize: (90m moderate, 40m vigorous)

Have fun! 
